Organized Clubs
Iron Horse Road Riders (IHRR)
Monroe, NC (www.ironhorsemc.com)
President - David Andrew imotorcycl@aol.com (704) 219-7588
Vice President - Mike Haney
Treasurer - Robert Stedje-Larsen
Scheduled Meetings - 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Brown Derby, 1012 Skyway Dr, Monroe. "Meet to Eat" at 6:00 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Supper ride the 1st Friday or Saturday of each month. Day rides every 3rd week-end, switching between Saturday and Sundays of each month.
Check out the IHRR calendar for all the information (https://ihm.powersporttechnologies.com/pages/index/calendar)
Check our face book page Iron Horse Road riders at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Iron-Horse-Motorcycles/107080801508